Thursday, August 18, 2011

work work work, then.....more work?

After a recent turn in events in taking on more responsibility at the office, I sit here and think to does one find the balance between their proverbial "9-5" and the career they passionately pursue outside of "the office"?

A lot of people, especially when they are young, seem to get caught up "trying to make money" so they can support themselves while trying to pursue another career (singing, acting, starting a business, etc).  The difficult balance to find is that balance that allows you to keep the job that provides you financial stability, while still allowing yourself ample time to dedicate to the other career...all while not allowing either to upset the other.

This is TOUGH!  I don't know that anybody has the answer, and I don't think there is any even remotely textbook answer for this.  For me, it has taken almost two years at the same job, and a LOT of faith in myself!  It has not always been easy, and I still have my me.

A lot of it has come to me recently.  I am not one with a lot of patience...ask my mother....she will most likely say that is the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century!  (I know, mom).  Having found my teacher, Michael Paul, has really made me tighten my act.  Everything in my life, in every aspect, has to be there to ultimately help me achieve my greater goal.  Work may not always be my favorite (who ALWAYS loves work???), but who cares.  I could complain about the fact that I'm not bringing in millions a year in singing contracts, OR, I could recognize that I am not in the place in my life where I would ever expect that kind of success.  I also had to recognize that right now is the time in my career (singing!) that I need to be investing in voice lessons, coachings, etc; this is the time to lay the groundwork for a long and fruitful career, not the time to get greedy.....that can come later!!!

Having a steady job (that allows me to use my knowledge base and has TONS of other perks) allows me the means to live in a nice apartment with a great roommate, take care of our amazing dog, and support myself (MOSTLY) to live comfortably while still taking lessons, coaching, etc.  It takes the mindset of looking for the GOOD in things; not focusing on the negative and allowing it to take you over, knock you down, make you lose FOCUS.  You must always keep your eye on the prize.

As my dad always said: "There are two words that you should always live your life by: STAY FOCUSED."  I laughed at the time and really didn't understand how true what he said was.  You can achieve absolutely ANYTHING by staying focused.  It doesn't just take simply FOCUS, but also allowing yourself to feel and KNOW that you deserve this success and can achieve it.  For more on this topic, I absolutely recommend "A Place of Yes" by Bethenny Frankel.

Simply feeling entitled to success will never get you anywhere.  It takes FOCUS, DRIVE, and the humility to fall down, know when you don't know everything, but have the will to learn and move forward.  Understand that you don't have to identify with your "9-5" exclusively, but also respect it for enabling you to achieve the success you have or want to have!  Keep your life balanced and simple.  Keep your eye on the prize, enjoy life at every chance you get.  As a singer, we don't really have the option to play hard, but at the end of the day, are you looking to have a great night out, or have a great high C?  Maybe when you know the answer to that question, you can evaluate your drive and focus.

Enjoy your work, but don't get lost in it.  See it for what it is, and pour your entire soul into your art and passion when you are on your own time.  You can achieve anything that you want to achieve, as long as you STAY FOCUSED.

Time for my bow yet?

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